Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Guruma - Sweet Mango Curry


2 large half-ripe (or less than half-ripe) mangoes
½ tsp gheera
¼ tsp ground anise
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp garam massala (optional)
½ cup sugar, or to taste Black pepper to taste
Tiny bit of hot red pepper, to taste
2 cups water, more for thinner sauce, less for thicker

1. Peel and cut the mangoes through the seed.
2. Remove the seed, then cut each half into four parts through the shell of the seed.
3. On medium/medium-low heat, quickly sauta the gheera in hot [olive] oil in a heavy pan.
4. Add the other spices quickly, and stir well.
5. Add the mango pieces while stirring constantly (like stir-frying) for a couple of minutes.
6. Add the hot water, stir well, then add the sugar (to taste).
7. Let the mixture come to a boil on high heat, cover and reduce heat to low/medium.
8. Simmer until mango pieces are well cooked.
8. Add water to make it thinner, if you want, or cook down for a thicker sauce. Add more sugar, if desired.
Eat with paratha roti!!